Computer Science Degrees

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

There are three distinct tracks in the computer science degree program:

Cybersecurity Track

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science – Cybersecurity Track requires 137 semester hours. A minimum 2.00 GPA must be maintained in the computer and information sciences courses.

Recommended Minors: Business, Economics, Psychology, Applied Mathematics, International Studies and Political Science, National Security, Modern Languages, or Computer Engineering.

Degree Requirements & Year-by-Year Course Planning

Information Technology Track

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science – Information Technology Track requires 136 semester hours. A minimum 2.00 GPA must be maintained in the computer and information sciences courses.

Recommended Minors: Business, Economics, Psychology, Applied Mathematics, International Studies and Political Science, National Security, or Computer Engineering.

Degree Requirements & Year-by-Year Course Planning

Theory and Application Track

The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science – Theory and Application Track requires 136 semester hours. A minimum 2.00 GPA must be maintained in the computer and information sciences courses.

Recommended Minors: Business, Economics, Psychology, Applied Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, or Computer Engineering.

Degree Requirements & Year-by-Year Course Planning

Computer and Information Sciences Minor

The Computer and Information Sciences Minor provides cadets with the fundamentals of computer science and information technology that can enhance or supplement any major with computing skills to analyze and process information.

This minor may increase employment opportunities by enabling the effective use of computing in a career, and requires 19 semester hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0.

Student Learning Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this minor, cadets will be able to understand and apply the fundamentals of computer and informational sciences towards solving problems in disciplines such as business, science, economics, engineering, and others.

A minor in Computer and Information Sciences cannot be taken by Computer Science majors.

Course Requirements

Cybersecurity Minor

The Cybersecurity Minor provides cadets with the fundamentals of cybersecurity that can enhance or supplement any major with skills to secure information and protect computing systems from cyber threats. This minor may increase employment opportunities by raising awareness of cyber threats and by promoting self-discipline and organizational practices to keep information and systems secure from malicious actors.

The minor in Cybersecurity requires 21 semester hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0.

Student Learning Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this minor, cadets will be able to understand security principles and apply practices to keep information and systems secure in the presence of risks and threats.

This minor cannot be taken by Computer Science majors. Computer Science majors may complete a Cybersecurity track in addition to another Computer Science track.

Course Requirements



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