Summer Programs

Summer Session

Students during Summer Session at VMI, a military school in VirginiaVMI Summer Session is available to facilitate a cadet's progression toward degree completion by offering courses for academic credit during the summer, consistent with the academic program. Non-VMI students are also eligible to take courses during VMI Summer Session. Registration for the 2024 Summer Session will open on April 15.

Undergraduate Research

The Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI) provides a structured program and financial support for research projects conducted during the summer at VMI while receiving course credit.

Cadets engage in in-depth research with their faculty mentor for either a 5-week or a 10-week experience earning a scholarship and a room and board stipend. SURI has sponsored guest speakers, library instruction, and skill development sessions such as writing a project proposal, adding research to a resume, and how to write a research abstract.

Summer Transition

The VMI Summer Transition Program (STP) is designed to improve the academic and physical fitness of incoming cadets prior to matriculation. All individuals who have committed to matriculate at VMI in August are invited to the STP.

STP is held during the last four weeks of the second term of the VMI Summer Session and, like the summer session, operates in a civilian environment; there is no military training. Matriculating students will take one academic class and get to know the VMI post. 

THE Arabic STARTALK Scholarship Program

When offered, The Arabic STARTALK Scholarship Program at VMI is open to all current high school sophomores, juniors, seniors, and college freshman (incoming rat class eligibility is pending). Come explore a North African Madina (city) with us on a simulated study abroad trip to Morocco.

The STARTALK program, managed by the National Security Agency (NSA), funds tuition costs for 6 hours of college credit for this summer program. This program also includes pre-and post-program linguistic and cultural engagement (90 minutes a week) tentatively starting at the end of February 2023 and continuing until May 2024). 


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