Noise Notice - Artillery fire will be heard from VMI throughout the day Monday, Feb. 10 for cadet training activities.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees 2024-2025

Tuition and Fees








Housing (Room)




Food (Board)




Auxiliary Fees










Cadet Facilities/Activities




Total Tuition and Fees




Quartermaster Charge




Laundry / Pressing








Uniforms / UMA Activities




Total (Tuition, Fees, Quartermaster Charge)




Health Insurance (International Cadets Only)


$1, 250*






Tuition and fees are determined at the May meeting of the Board of Visitors

*International Health Insurance is an estimate.

SCHEV Annual Tuition and Fees Report at Virginia's State-Supported Colleges and Universities

Department of Defense Memorandum of Understanding Tuition Rates: In-State $512, Out of State $1,430

Explanation of Fees

Housing and Food (Room and Board)
Housing and Food are required since all cadets live in barracks and are provided 21 meals per week.

Auxiliary Fees
Costs of medical services, cadet facilities, and activities.

Quartermaster Charges
Covers haircuts and uniforms. Uniforms are state property and must be returned to the Institute. Qualified cadets enrolled or under contract in the ROTC program receive a uniform allowance directly from the federal government which helps defray the cost of cadet uniforms.

The Deposit covers property damages, lost property, and unpaid obligations to VMI. The deposit shall equal $300 and be paid by all incoming and returning cadets. VMI returns this deposit, less any deductions for damages or unpaid obligations and without interest, upon graduation of the cadet or the termination of the cadetship.

Health Insurance
Health Insurance is a required fee for all International cadets. The amount included is an estimate for the 2024-25 academic year.  Please contact the Office of International Programs for specific coverage information.

Direct Costs
Direct Costs include VMI billable expenses. Tuition, fees, housing, and food are VMI’s Direct Costs.

Indirect Costs for 2024-25
In-state cadets should plan on $3,350 in Indirect Costs. Indirect Costs include other expenses you may incur, including approximately: $1,200 books, source materials, supplies and equipment; $1,700 personal expenses (potential loan origination fees); and $450 transportation.

Out of state cadets should plan on an estimated $4,300 in Indirect Costs. Indirect Costs include other expenses you may incur, including approximately: $1,200 books, source materials, supplies and equipment; $1,700 personal expenses (potential loan origination fees); and $1,400 transportation.

A LATE FEE of $100 or 10% of the unpaid balance, whichever is less, will be assessed for failure to pay tuition and fees as required.