Title IX

No person…shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance…

As an educational institute and employer, VMI understands the responsibility of taking appropriate action toward eliminating sexual misconduct of any kind, and is dedicated to promoting and fostering a safe environment for all cadets, staff, and faculty.  An environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of every member of its community and that is free from harassment and discrimination based on race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, genetic information, against otherwise qualified persons with disabilities, or based on any other status protected by law.

As outlined in Maj. Gen Wins' One Corps-One VMI Unifying Action Plan: "VMI is renowned for taking a diverse group of individuals, immersing them in the curricular and co-curricular experiences and over time, carefully and deliberately building leaders who: possess unwavering character, demonstrate great skill in sound reasoning, make appropriate ethical decisions ... and above all else, lead honorably and serve selflessly."


In order to meet these high standards, a challenge with which all members of the Institute are tasked, the Title IX team and , along with the entire faculty and staff at VMI are available to all cadets for support, guidance, and encouragement. Additionally, every member of the Corps of Cadets is encouraged to respect and support each other, and if needed, report behaviors and actions of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct.

VMI logo and Respect, Report, Support over photo of VMI post


Policies and Expectations

VMI's policies and protocols for both cadets and faculty/staff can be found in the General Orders. In particular, regarding respect, civility, and honor:

As a state employer, VMI also follows policies and guidelines provided by the Virginia Department of Human Resources:

Reporting Discrimination

If you are a victim of any kind of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct, know that you have rights and a support system at VMI to assist you as you navigate your options for reporting and resolving these issues. 

The Office of the Inspector General and Title IX staff are specially trained to handle reports of this nature, but you also have options to report anonymously and off-post if that is your personal choice.

Note: All VMI employees (unless listed as confidential on this page and linked documents) are required to report discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct to the Inspector General’s office. See General Order 16 for more information.


Report to VMI Title IX Staff

Alyssa Astphan, the deputy inspector general and Title IX coordinator to inspector general (IG) and Title IX coordinator at VMI.

Alyssa Astphan
Inspector General and Title IX Coordinator
: astphanay@vmi.edu 
Phone: 540-464-7086

Sam Allen portrait

Col. Sam Allen
Assistant Inspector General
Email: allensk@vmi.edu
: 540-464-7061

Maj. Abbey B. Carrico, Ph.D.

Col. Abbey Carrico
Assistant Inspector General
Email: carricoab@vmi.edu
: 540-464-7276

Maj. Aubrey Whitehead
Assistant Inspector General
Phone: 540-464-7233 

Eric Moore portrait

Capt. Eric Moore
Assistant Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 540-464-7413


Additional Tools & Resources

Contact Law Enforcement

Dial 911 for any emergency

For non-emergency situations, contact:

Anonymous Reporting

Silent Witness allows anonymous reporting of crime or concern to the VMI Police. This form is available on and off post at any time.

If you are a victim of sexual misconduct...

Sexual misconduct includes sexual assault, sexual exploitation (verbal or physical), sexual coercion, dating violence, domestic, and stalking. For more information, please see General Order 16.

Before you do anything else, go to a safe place, find some support, and report the incident. Call 911 for all emergency situations. Remember, it’s not your fault.

The Title IX office is here to support you in exploring the options right for YOU. You are free to choose how you wish to proceed based on your situation:

  • Doing nothing. Nothing is always a choice, and may be the right one for many people. At least, for right now. This does not mean that you cannot change your mind later, and reach out at a later date.
  • Seeking support. One option from the Title IX Office is for us to work collaboratively with you to create a set of supports that may include increased safety measures and/or academic accommodations. Seeking support does not obligate you to any formal or informal processes.
  • Having an open-ended discussion to explore your options. That’s it. No obligation. Just a conversation to transparently and forthrightly answer all of your questions, share your options, and provide a sounding board as you explore how you’d like to proceed.
  • File a formal complaint. VMI has informal and formal processes that can address sexual assault and sexual harassment incidents. Sometimes, these processes can address off-post conduct as well, if that pertains here. If a formal complaint is made, this would initiate an investigation and hearing, unless an informal resolution of a conflict is something all parties opt to explore. You can contact any member of the Title IX staff if filing a formal complaint would be your preference. If the accused person is a student at another college, we can assist you if that college's processes allow a non-student to file a complaint against a student.
  • Have the assistance of a member of the Title IX staff in contacting the police. If you have experienced a crime, reporting to local police where the incident occurred is one of your options, and we are able to help you to do so, if you wish.

For confidential support and confidential reporting:

  • Project Horizon Crisis Hotline: 540-463-2594
  • Institute Physician and medical personnel at the VMI Infirmary: 540-464-7218
  • Cadet Counseling, Sarah Jones and Patricia Fry: 540-464-7667
  • VMI Chaplains Office: Robert Phillips, cell: 337-532-7512; John Casper, office: 540-464-7390.

All VMI employees, unless listed as confidential above, are mandatory reporters.

You have the right to:

  • A Sexual Assault Victim Advocate to support you during legal proceedings
  • Have evidence collected and retained anonymously by law enforcement while you consider whether to pursue criminal charges
  • The prompt, adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of all complaints, under Title IX
  • Supportive measures in the interim, under Title IX

DNA evidence increases the likelihood of identifying and convicting the perpetrator

To help preserve evidence, please:

  • Save all electronic/documentary evidence to corroborate a complaint: text messages, pictures, online posts, videos
  • Do not wash your hands, bathe or use a douche
  • Do not urinate if possible
  • Do not eat, blow your nose, drink liquids, smoke, or brush your teeth, if there was oral contact
  • Keep the clothing you wore when the assault took place. If you change clothing, keep the worn clothing in a paper bag (evidence deteriorates in plastic)
  • Do not destroy any physical evidence that may be found in the vicinity of the assault
  • Tell someone all the details you remember, or write them down, as soon as possible.



Badge graphic indicating that VMI is VMI is a member of the State University of New York-Student Conduct Institute (SUNY-SCI).

VMI is a member of the State University of New York-Student Conduct Institute (SUNY-SCI). All VMI faculty/staff participants in the Title IX grievance process to include Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision makers, and informal resolution facilitators receive relevant Title IX and other investigation/adjudication related training through SUNY-SCI.

Badge graphic indicating that VMI is VMI is a member of the State University of New York-Student Conduct Institute (SUNY-SCI).


Additional Title IX training received from venues other than SUNY-SCI:

Questions concerning VMI’s Title IX training program can be directed to the VMI Office of the Inspector General at (540) 464-7072.


Race, national origin, gender, social class – none of these sets a cadet apart at VMI. Here, differences blend to enrich our perspective on the world that VMI’s citizen-soldiers will enter following graduation. Let there be no doubt that One Corps comprises Virginia Military Institute, and that our cadets are strengthened by cooperative efforts to sort through differences in search of commonalities. These principals extend to the entire VMI community and how members should interact with one another. Discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct have no place at Virginia Military Institute.



VMI TITLE IX OFFICE • 303 LETCHER AVE. • LEXINGTON, VA • Anonymous, Non-Emergency Contact: 540-464-7702