Physics and Astronomy

Physics probes fundamental questions and also serves as a source of key innovations in high technology. At VMI a dedicated faculty train and work with talented students to explore exciting areas of physics and astronomy like…

  • Lasers and Fiber Optics
  • Laser Spectroscopy
  • Observational Astronomy
  • Thin Films and Nanotechnology
  • Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Nuclear Physics

A bachelor’s degree in physics is the gateway to a wide variety of technical careers as well as graduate and professional school opportunities.  

  • Technical careers in the military, nuclear energy, medical physics, and other areas
  • Careers in secondary education (teaching high school physics)
  • Graduate study in physics, astrophysics, nuclear engineering, and other related disciplines
  • Professional school in medicine and law

Degrees and Programs

Major(s): Physics

Degree(s): Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


The physics curriculum is a flexible curriculum that provides an excellent opportunity for the development of intellectual breadth while also building strong scientific and technical skills.

Our degree programs offer a generous complement of electives, allowing cadets to obtain one or more minors or even to double major in selected cases.  We also offer minors in both physics and astronomy for cadets interested in complementing their major with significant training in physics and astronomy.

Physics & Astronomy in the News

Find out more about the department's cadets and faculty in recent VMI news.

Cadet evaluating cost-efficient exercise programs for the elderly as part of the Summer Undergraduate Research Institute

Exploring Cost-Efficient Exercise Programs for the Elderly Through SURI

VMI cadet Hai-Hsin Huang '25, an applied mathematics major with a minor in physics, is evaluating cost-efficient exercise programs for the elderly as part of the Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI) at the Virginia Military Institute. 

A Passion for National Defense: Kevin Linko ’23

Kevin Linko ’23, a physics major from Princeton, New Jersey, minored in mathematics and astronomy. Soon he will begin his professional career with CACI, a company that provides expertise and technology to customers in support of national security missions and government transformation.  

VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders