Noise Notice - Artillery fire will be heard from VMI throughout the day Monday, Feb. 10 for cadet training activities.

VMI Professor Lt. Col. Rhamey to Speak on ‘With Good Reason’

LEXINGTON, Va., July 23, 2021—Lt. Col. Patrick Rhamey, associate professor of international studies and political science at Virginia Military Institute, will discuss U.S.—China relations on public radio’s With Good Reason July 31-Aug. 6 in an episode titled “Entangling Alliances.”

On the show, Rhamey will talk about how China has become one of the world’s most powerful countries, and why the Biden administration should avoid treating China as an enemy.

In Lexington, the show will air Sunday, Aug. 1 at 3 p.m. and Wednesday, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m. on WMRA 89.9 FM. In Charlottesville, it can be heard at the same times on WMRA 103.5 FM, and also at 2 p.m. Sunday on Radio IQ 88.5 FM.  In Harrisonburg, With Good Reason will air Sunday, Aug. 1, at 3 p.m. and Wednesday, Aug. 4, at 8 p.m. on WMRA 90.7 FM.

In addition to Rhamey others heard on this show will be Martin Sherwin of George Mason University, speaking on the Cuban Missile Crisis; Philip Roessler of the College of William & Mary, discussing how climate change and heat waves will soon impact political violence; and Jason Davidson of the University of Mary Washington, talking about how the United States has relied on foreign alliances throughout its history.

With Good Reason logoWith Good Reason is sponsored by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities. Audio files of the full program and its companion news feature will be posted to the With Good Reason website. Later in August, the episode will also be available on Spotify, Soundcloud, and most other podcasting platforms.