Return of Title IV Funds

Federal Title IV funds (Pell Grant, SEOG, Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant, unsubsidized and subsidized Direct Loans, Perkins Loan, Children of Fallen Heros Scholarship, and Direct PLUS Loan) may be required to be returned to the respective programs based on Federal guidelines.

When a cadet officially withdraws or is withdrawn, a determination is made on the amount of earned and unearned Title IV funds. If a cadet withdraws prior to completing 60% of the semester, a pro-rata schedule determines the amount of Title IV funds a cadet has earned at the time of withdrawal. A cadet has earned 100% of Title IV funds after they have attended VMI for more than 60% of the semester. If a cadet withdraws prior to completing 60% of a semester, it is likely costs covered by Title IV funds will not be covered and the cadet will have a balance due to VMI.

The withdrawal process normally begins in the Commandant’s office and the process includes out processing with Cadet Accounting and the Financial Aid office. Cadets considering leaving VMI are advised to talk with Cadet Accounting and/or the Financial Aid Office to determine the financial implications of withdrawal.