Noise Notice - Artillery fire will be heard from VMI throughout the day Monday, Feb. 10 for cadet training activities.

Study Abroad

Every year, more than 10 percent of cadets pursue an international learning experience. 

By combining an intellectual quest with firsthand exposure to different cultural traditions, cadets gain a global perspective and acquire important life skills—critical thinking, independence, flexibility, resilience, and the ability to interact and communicate across differences. Cadets often describe their education abroad experiences as extremely rewarding and life-changing 

Line icon of calendar with clock, representing an appointment calendar

Are you ready to explore the world?

Asst. Director Patricia Hardin is ready to assist you with the beginning of the study abroad process. However, due to COVID-19 precautions, please make an appointment using our calendar. Click on your desired date and time, then log in to the VMI Portal to sign up for your appointment.

Cadets have three options when it comes to studying abroad:

  • Semester - fall or spring experiences where cadets are immersed in foreign countries for all coursework
  • Summer - experiences occurring between May and August
  • Furlough - shorter journeys conducted over periods of furlough throughout the academic year (administered by specific academic departments). For additional information or if interested, please ask the study abroad advisor.

 Cadet Seth Whitehurst, Cadet Andrew Farmer and Jack Jones in Sant Loan de Labritja by the beach in Ibiza Island in Spain

I am a more confident person, I am more spontaneous, and I have gained a lot of perspective.