In the News

Ryan Peterson '25, a baseball player and international studies major, talks about his. responsibilities with everything as a cadet and cadet-athlete.

Behind the Balance: Ryan Peterson ’25 — Keydet Baseball

February 4, 2025

Ryan Peterson ’25 has learned how to compartmentalize and focus. He said it’s something that his time at VMI has helped frame for him. The international studies major explained that the rigors of academics and playing a Division I sport makes it so he must focus on one task at a time.

Maj. Megan Roosevelt to appear on

Roosevelt Featured on “With Good Reason”

October 17, 2024

Maj. Megan Roosevelt, assistant professor in the Department of International Studies and Political Science at Virginia Military Institute, will discuss what drives anti-immigrant attitudes in the United States and Europe on the public radio program, “With Good Reason,” Oct. 19-26.

The Cadet Collective: Antonio Ahanj

August 13, 2024

Antonio Ahanj ’24 attributes much of his growth and success to the unique environment fostered at VMI, where supportive relationships and a culture of mentorship have played a crucial role for him. 

From legislative intern to Virginia Military Institute graduate, the next step for Jimmy Murphy ’24 is law school.   After spending several summers working in the U.S. Capitol, in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, Murphy will be heading to Notre Dame Law School in the fall.

Onto Law School: Recent International Studies Grad to Take on Notre Dame

July 16, 2024

After spending several summers working in the U.S. Capitol, in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, Jimmy Murphy ’24 will be heading to Notre Dame Law School in the fall.  

The memorial at Treblinka consists of thousands of stones of varying sizes symbolizing headstones for the 900,000 victims of the death camp.

Cadets Experience the Horrors of the Holocaust

June 27, 2024

Impactful, challenging, and exposure to atrocities are not ordinary descriptives for a trip to Europe for college students, but cadets at Virginia Military Institute don’t do ordinary. Recently, 18 commissioning cadets and two staff members traveled to Poland for seven days.

Earl Filgo '25

Embarking on an Influential Internship at U.S. Army War College: Earl Filgo ‘25

June 25, 2024

An internship at the U.S. Army War College was something Earl Filgo ’25 wouldn’t pass up. It was not a particular goal he had been striving for, but something he was required to do to complete his national security minor.  

Connor Cherry '25

Headed to Army War College: Connor Cherry ’25

June 11, 2024

The 1st Class cadet and international studies major from Mooresville, North Carolina, will be interning at the U.S. Army War College this summer.  

Maj. Timothy Passmore, assistant professor in the Department of International Studies and Political Science, to feature on With Good Reason.

Passmore Part of “With Good Reason” Segment

June 3, 2024

Maj. Timothy Passmore, assistant professor in the Department of International Studies and Political Science at Virginia Military Institute, discusses how nations use the Olympics to improve their reputation both domestically and abroad on the public radio program, “With Good Reason,” May 31-June

Devin Thomas ’24 presented insights into his honors thesis, “War Onset Power Transition Theory.”

Honors Week: Unveiling Key Insights on War Timing in Power Transition Theory

May 28, 2024

The power transition theory appealed to Devin Thomas '24 due to its focus on power dynamics and systemic changes, which have significant implications for international relations at various levels.

The Peay scholars include Justin Peterson ’24, a civil engineering major from Bristow, Virginia; Courtney Novotny ’25, a biology major from Reading, Pennsylvania; Patrick Simmons ’25, an international studies major from Quantico, Virginia; Julia Ward ’26, an electrical and computer engineering major from Frankfort, Illinois; Barrett Callejo ’27, a biology major from Springboro, Ohio; William Cockr

Peay Scholars Celebrated

May 8, 2024

Brig. Gen. Robert W. Moreschi honored seven exceptional cadets at VMI who are recipients of the prestigious Peay Merit Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to cadets who demonstrate exceptional leadership, academic excellence, athletic commitment, and an interest in national service.