Operational Update - The Red Cross Blood Drive scheduled for today, Feb. 11, has been cancelled and VMI administrative offices will remain closed Wed., Feb. 12 due to inclement weather.

Academic Advising

Upon entry into VMI, each cadet is assigned a faculty advisor who, unless the cadet subsequently changes academic major, will work with the cadet until graduation.

During the first year there is extensive contact between the advisor and cadet in order to facilitate the cadet’s transition into the VMI culture, assist the cadet in mastering the academic policies and regulations, and assist the cadet in coordinating the demands of a multi-faceted academic and co-curricular experience.

As cadets advance through their cadetship, they are expected to assume increased responsibility for complying with academic standards and regulations, initiating the use of support services, and making good decisions about the integration of the academic and co-curricular activities.

Academic Advising guides cadets through the exploration and clarification of their academic, career and life goals to help them develop skills and strategies that will contribute to their academic success and enable them to achieve a balanced engagement in co-curricular and academic activities.  Faculty advisors both support and challenge cadets in an effort to increase each cadet's confidence and self-sufficiency until graduation.

Standards for Continued Enrollment
A cadet in residence must meet specific academic standards to be eligible to return for the following semester. For cadets planning to return for the subsequent semester, academic classification will be based on the published Academic Standards

If a cadet has been away from VMI for one or more semesters, he or she must apply for readmission by June 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester. Requirements for Readmission


A cadet who receives a second academic suspension is dismissed from VMI and is ineligible to apply for readmission.

Committee on Academic Appeals (CAA)
The Committee on Academic Appeals advises the Deputy Superintendent for Academics and Dean of the Faculty on appeals by cadets for exceptions to the academic regulations.

Virginia Military Institute complies with the provision of federal laws governing the privacy and disclosure of cadet information in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Under the federal laws, all cadets have a number of rights concerning his/her records at VMI.