The readmission to Virginia Military Institute after a period of separation of one semester or more is based on the merit of the application and the likelihood for successful completion of the military and academic components of the program.
A full assessment will be completed as to whether the cadet could safely return to fully participate in all academic and physical components of the VMI program, and successfully integrate into the VMI military and class structure.
The following outlines the review guidelines for cadet readmission. For questions regarding readmission please contact the Miller Academic Center at 540-464-7661 or at
VMI reserves the right to deny readmission to a cadet who has been separated from the institution longer than two years, or if a cadet cannot successfully integrate into the Corps to complete the requirements as stated above.
A cadet may apply for readmission a maximum of two times during his/her cadetship and cannot normally be absent from the VMI regiment longer than a two year period of separation (exception: Military/Active Duty activations). Readmission to VMI will be based on a complete evaluation of the following areas:
- Academic Eligibility – Cadets must meet the current academic requirements for new admits, as well as academic minimum criteria based on VMI semesters of enrollment (See Table 1). It is expected that all cadets demonstrate solid academic performance while separated from VMI to be considered for future readmission. Cadets who left VMI under academic difficulties will be subject to a review of academic progress both at and away from VMI.
- Disciplinary Eligibility – A cadet’s disciplinary record both at and away from VMI will be evaluated. Cadets must demonstrate that they have upheld the standards of the VMI discipline code during their time of separation.
- Medical Eligibility – Cadets must be able to meet the VMI program requirements to return. An assessment of a cadet’s ability to safely participate in all required training activities will be completed.
- Social Adjustment & Eligibility – Each cadet will be assessed on his/her ability to re-assimilate into and bond with the Corps. VMI reserves the right to deny a cadet readmission if he/she has been absent for a period longer than two years, or would have difficulty in returning to VMI under the rules and restrictions of the VMI program.
Any cadet absent from the Corps for one semester or more must apply for readmission by the established deadlines (1 June for Fall Readmission / 1 November for Spring Readmission) in order to be considered for return.
NOTE EXCEPTION: : Cadets on medical furlough, return from active duty, and military administrative leave must also file the Return from Leave Form, and cadets returning from Active Duty must also file the active duty – Health Update Form.
Cadets on leave for the purpose of active duty will be readmitted with the same academic status he or she had when last attending the school or accepted for admission to the school. For a copy of VMI's policy on enrolled cadets leaving for the purposes of active duty please view, General Order 3.
Recommendations for readmission will be solicited from the cadet's Academic Department Head, Commandant's Office, and Institute Physician in determining eligibility for readmission and future success at the Institute. These recommendations will then be considered by the Readmission Committee, along with the entire record, date of matriculation, and dates of separation, with a final recommendation to the Dean. If questions arise, the Readmission Committee may, at their discretion, request that a cadet come before the Committee to discuss any of the outlined areas of return.
Cadets requesting readmission must meet all current rules of matriculation as follows:
I hereby engage to serve as a cadet in the Virginia Military Institute for the term for which I have entered, and I promise on my honor, while I continue to be a member of the Corps of Cadets, to never lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. I will, to the best of my ability, discharge all of my duties as a cadet with regularity and fidelity, and I will obey all the legal orders and constituted authority of the Institute. I further affirm that I am an unmarried person; nor have I incurred the responsibilities of parenthood to include custody, child care responsibilities, or legal support obligations and that never, during the term of my cadetship, will I join or affiliate with any secret society, fraternity or sorority. (For a copy of the VMI Marriage/Parenthood policy, General Order 7.)
FOR NEW CADETS: New cadets who did not complete an academic term at VMI after acceptance will be reviewed for readmission by the Admissions Office based on the standards used for admittance to VMI for the year of reapplication.
FOR ALL CADETS: To be academically eligible to return, it is necessary for cadets to meet the minimum academic standards for readmission listed in Table 1 below. These guidelines outline the minimum hours required toward degree completion and minimum institutional GPA based on the number of full-time terms in attendance at VMI. Meeting the minimum standard does not guarantee readmission – a full review of a cadet’s academic record at and away from VMI will take place to determine whether a cadet has successfully completed academic activity and can return to successfully complete his/her academic program at the Institute.
The Institute reserves the right to deny readmission to any cadet that has failed to show progress towards his or her degree and/or major, or who has demonstrated that he/she does not have sufficient academic background to be successful at the Virginia Military Institute.
Full-Time Semesters Completed at VMI |
Minimum Hours Passed Towards Graduation |
Minimum Cumulative Institutional GPA |
One | 14 | 1.8 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Two | 28 | 1.8 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Three | 42 | 1.8 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Four | 55 | 2.0 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Five | 69 | 2.0 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Six | 82 | 2.0 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Seven | 96 | 2.0 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Eight | 109 | 2.0 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
Nine | 122 | 2.0 cumulative and 2.0 Major GPA |
NOTE: A major GPA of 2.00 is a graduation requirement beginning with the matriculating class of 2010.
A cadet who wishes to improve his/her grade point average and/or cumulative hours toward graduation should consider the following:
- To raise cumulative GPA: The best way to raise a grade point average is to attend the VMI summer session or another college and repeat failed courses. Repeating courses in which a "D" grade was received will also improve the grade point average, but will not increase the hours passed. New courses taken at another college will not affect the grade point average.
- To raise number of hours passed: This may be done by attending VMI Summer Session or by attending another college and taking new courses or repeating courses failed at VMI. Repeating courses in which a "D" grade was received will not raise hours passed. Cadets are reminded that there is a maximum limit of 18 credit hours which can be transferred to VMI for credit earned during summer session, winter session and internet courses (after matriculation).
- Before taking courses at another college: To ensure transferability, advance approval must be obtained from the heads of the department in which the VMI courses are taught, and the department head of the cadet's major, by completing and submitting a Transfer Credit Approval Form. NOTE: Course approvals do not imply that a cadet meets the minimum standard to return to VMI. If an individual assessment needs to be conducted to assure that the proposed activity is sufficient to return, it is the responsibility of the cadet to seek a personal evaluation of his/her individual record from their major department head, academic advisor, or the Miller Academic Center.
- Transfer credit from another college: Transfer hours from another college are accepted only if the institution is regionally accredited, the grade earned is a "C" or better, and the course has been approved by the appropriate department head. Grades earned in the courses transferred for credit to VMI are not included in the calculation of VMI's institutional GPA.
NOTE: Beginning with the academic Class of 2014, cadets have a one-time course replacement option. For any class repeated a second time, the last grade counts in the GPA. Courses repeated after two attempts at VMI will include all grades attempted in the cumulative average except for the first attempt. For courses repeated after a second time based on transfer credit, the class with an earned grade of C or better will be accepted towards a cadet’s program, however, grade replacement will not be allowed.
Cadets who have left the Institute and do not meet the academic readmission criteria are encouraged to work with their academic advisor to develop a plan as to how the cadet intends to meet the minimum academic criteria for readmission. All cadets will be required to provide evidence of success and supply an official transcript as evidence of satisfactory completion prior to being allowed to re-enroll.
Catalog of Record: Cadets who have been separated from the Institute longer than one semester will be required to return under the academic program requirements based on their year of reclassification.
Academic Appeals: Cadets who fall short of the minimum hours and GPA academic standard (See Table 1) who may have clear extenuating circumstances may petition the Committee on Academic Appeals (CAA) for a waiver of the academic standards as listed. NOTE: Cadets have a one-time CAA Appeal option during their cadetship – this applies to all appeals, including readmission. The CAA considers exceptions to the policy on an individual basis with presentation of extenuating circumstances which a cadet feels should be considered.
This petition must be submitted in writing to CAA, and forwarded through the Registrar, c/o Virginia Military Institute, 303 Shell Hall, Lexington, Virginia 24450. Appeals should be typewritten and outline the following:
- VMI academic policy being appealed.
- Description of extenuating circumstances to be considered by the Committee.
- A letter from the cadet’s academic advisor, and any supporting documentation or recommendations which the cadet wishes to submit on their behalf in support of the application.
- Cadet name, year, major, address and phone number (if questions arise).
The appeal will be considered by the Committee on Academic Appeals with a recommendation to the Dean. The cadet will be notified in writing of the appeal decision. All exceptions to academic policies must be in the hands of the CAA (in writing) a minimum of one week prior to the start of the semester.
VMI is a four-year undergraduate experience, and it is expected that all cadets complete a majority of their requirements in residence. As a result, all cadets must complete a minimum of six full-time academic semesters in residence (fall and spring semesters).
All Cadets: All cadets considered for readmission will be reviewed to determine that their conduct has been consistent with the "citizen soldier" concept. Additionally, cadets who are readmitted will be accountable for any unserved penalties actively on their record, and subject to a random urinalysis upon return to VMI.
Cadets separated under the status of Disciplinary Suspension: In addition to the above requirement, cadets who left VMI under disciplinary suspension will be subject to the following criteria:
- Show documented civic work or participation in rehabilitative programs to demonstrate that they now meet the standard of the Institute as a "citizen soldier." Related work in this area must be pre-approved by the Superintendent’s office before a cadet will be readmitted to the Institute after a disciplinary suspension.
- Cadets will return to VMI under Conduct Probation and will be required to report to the institute Sergeant Major for inspection platoon.
- Are ineligible to attend VMI Summer Session. Readmission for cadets who left VMI under disciplinary suspension will be granted only for a regular VMI fall or spring semester session.
Disciplinary Appeals: Cadets who wish to appeal the disciplinary judgement imposed by the Deputy Commandant regarding the effectiveness of their rehabilitative program may appeal to the Commandant. This appeal must be made within 14 days of the notification of the judgement, in writing or in person by making an appointment directly with the Commandant.
VMI uses the Department of Defense medical standards as a guide only and assesses each cadet's request to return individually to determine if he or she can fulfill all VMI training requirements.
In addition to the medical standards addressed above, readmission applicants should also be aware that VMI does have weight and body fat standards, which are integral to the health of a young man or woman. A prospective returning cadet’s weight may be taken into consideration during the evaluation process. Please review this information on General Order 20 — Fitness Standards Governing Admission of Cadets. Questions regarding medical standards should be directed to the VMI Infirmary at 540-464-7218 or at
In accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia guidelines, cadets with outstanding financial obligations with the Institute are ineligible to return until their previous obligation has been satisfied. Under this regulation, a cadet who may otherwise be eligible for readmission will be denied enrollment until all past obligations have been satisfied.
Fourth class cadets who leave for any reason prior to breakout during their fourth class year may be required to repeat the rat line. Those cadets who did not complete the rat line will be denied readmission for a spring term and must return to VMI during an upcoming fall term.
The following cadets are NOT eligible to attend VMI's summer session:
- Cadets who have been dismissed from the Institute (for any reason).
- Cadets under disciplinary suspension (must apply for readmission and must return under a standard full-time term in either the fall or spring full-time semester).
- Cadets who resigned from the Institute with an outstanding disciplinary or honor action pending.
Readmission to the Institute is coordinated through the Miller Academic Center. Cadets seeking readmission who have questions should contact LTC Allyson Pierce at:
Virginia Military Institute - Miller Academic Center
202 Carroll Hall
Lexington, VA 24450
Phone: 540-464-7661
Application Deadline: Deadlines are strictly enforced.
Fall Readmission: 1 June
Spring Readmission: 1 November
The Institute will not consider a request for readmission for any cadet whose application is not received by the published deadline or received incomplete. Any late or incomplete applications will be held until all materials are received, and the review will take place based on the next semester of review.
NOTE: The above deadline requires that ALL application materials must be completed and received by the designated deadline. This includes:
- Application for Readmission
- Please attach completed and approved Transfer Credit Approval Form, if course have been taken or are being taken elsewhere
- Final transcripts/supporting documentation for ALL courses for which you have registered for since departing VMI.
- NOTE: It is not required to submit transcripts for courses currently in progress - only past semesters for courses registered and/or completed.
- Physical Qualifications Statement
- Medical Release Form
- Other documentation as required as a condition of return (i.e. Community Service, Medical Documentation, etc.)
Cadets returning from Active Duty, Military Leave or Medical Furlough must complete the following:
- Medical Furlough – Return from Leave Form
- Military Leave – Return from Leave Form
- Active Duty – Return from Leave Form and Health Update Form
Revised and Approved: 09/2024