Noise Notice - Artillery fire will be heard from VMI throughout the day Monday, Feb. 10 for cadet training activities.


VMI cadets should maintain their own private health insurance coverage. It is important for the Infirmary to have current health insurance information on file for cadets.

If there are changes in a cadet's health coverage, they must submit the Cadet Health Insurance Form.  Email, mail, or upload completed forms along with a clear copy of both sides of your current health insurance card to VMI to: 


Mailing address:
VMI Infirmary
448 Institute Hill, 1st Floor
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, VA  24450

Upload: Secure Medicat Portal

Accident Insurance

Because of the physical rigors of VMI, VMI provides each cadet with secondary accident coverage. This coverage is for accidents only (does not cover illness) during VMI sanctioned, supervised activities, and covers treatment costs up to a maximum of $5,000 per occurrence.  If treatment costs from an accident exceed $5,000, payment of the excess becomes the responsibility of the cadet.   

Cadet-Athlete Insurance

VMI provides supplemental insurance that covers NCAA athlete injuries that occur during an official practice or competition. Visit the VMI Sports Medicine website for more information or contact:

For questions about accident or athlete insurance or to submit a claim, contact:

Dreama Fox
VMI Insurance Coordinator 

International Cadets

Health insurance is a required fee for all international cadets and will be charged to the cadet’s account. Contact the Office of International Programs for specific coverage information. 

 For cadet appointments and medical questions, please send an email to or call the Infirmary at 540-464-7218.