Members of VMI's distinguished faculty have been hard at work not only on post, but also in the larger realm of academia, publishing essays, poetry, and cartoons.
Since the VMI Foundation gifted the Chessie Nature Trail to the Institute in 2010, VMI has worked with the community to ensure the trail is maintained and enhanced as an outdoor resource for cadets and members of the community.
College students need textbooks. But it’s no secret that the cost has been a thorn in the side of students for years. Col. Greg Hartman is among pioneering professors nationally developing e-textbooks, his for calculus. With the price of the book starting at free, cost is no longer a problem.
Lt. Col. Paul Moosman Jr. ’98, associate professor of biology, is attempting to learn more about the eastern small-footed bat to help determine if the species qualifies for endangered status.
Op-Ed: Col. James Hentz, Ph.D., argues that Boko Haram is engaged in a regional, not a global, conflict. When policy makers misrepresent the group as part of a global jihad, they may intensify the conflict – unintentionally or otherwise.
Maj. Dan Harrison '05, who’s been teaching at VMI since 2013, focuses his research around developing catalysts that can reduce carbon dioxide into a more reactive carbon species and then into a usable fuel that could someday replace fossil fuels.
Brig. Gen. Jeff Smith '79 focuses on ethics in information technology—and preparing cadets for a world that's yet to be born.
Lt. Col. Anne Alerding, associate professor of biology, is working with a team of cadets in her lab and in soybean fields across the state to find a way to increase the plants’ production.
The English, rhetoric, and humanistic studies 411 fieldwork class, taught by Maj. Stephanie Hodde, is taking a more creative approach to service learning by hosting the Rockbridge Community Memoir Project.
When most people think of VMI, the iconic image of the barracks comes to mind, or perhaps the Corps of Cadets marching in a parade. But what about cadets in civilian dress in Budapest, Bangkok, or Botswana?
Key Institute leaders took up new responsibilities during ceremonies held during the general faculty meeting kicking off new academic year.
Three professors are collaborating to create a new study abroad trip that will lead cadets through Slovenia, Germany, and Belgium.
Clay Penney '19 and Col. Jim Squire are launching into a Mars rover competition, building and testing prototypes for Penney's honors thesis.
Maj. Mary Beth Manjerovic, assistant professor of biology, gave the cadets in her conservation biology class a new challenge: independent projects dealing with resource conservation.
Naval ROTC commander Col. Craig Streeter '91 is one of a handful of USMC combat artists creating images that show the reality of the battlefield.
Construction continues to impact traffic on post as work associated with the Post infrastructure Improvement project continues.
Tuition will not increase for in-state or out-of-state cadets for the next academic year, the Board of Visitors decided at a May 4 meeting.
Dr. Timothy Passmore, assistant professor of international studies, strives to teach cadets how to look past fake news and become educated, informed citizens.
Maj. Jonathan Jones, assistant professor of history, recently received two awards for his dissertation, "Opium Slavery: Veterans and Addiction in the American Civil War Era.”
MAJ Kimberly Anderson, Visiting Assistant Professor in ERHS, will bring together groups of cadets, faculty, and staff to make their own handmade paper using the techniques of medieval scribes and Renaissance paper-makers.
Members of VMI's distinguished faculty have been hard at work not only on post, but also in the larger realm of academia, winning awards and leading cadets attending new conferences.
Members of VMI's faculty have been hard at work not only on post, but also in providing off-post event support and leadership to cadets, as well as being featured on podcasts.
VMI faculty members continue to be recognized and win awards for their excellence in teaching, research, and public service.
Lt. Col. Jochen S. Arndt’s book, published both in South Africa and the United States, explains how Zulu and Xhosa emerged as written languages and markers of Zulu and Xhosa identities.
Lt. Col. Julie Phillips Brown, associate professor in the at Virginia Military Institute, will discuss themes of biology, mythology, and motherhood in her poetry on the public radio program, With Good Reason, April 8 - 14.
Col. Barry Cobb and Col. Jeff Smith, professors in the Department of Economics and Business at Virginia Military Institute, will discuss ways to pay for retirement and the best age to start drawing Social Security on the public radio program, With Good Reason, April 29 – May 5.
Col. Jeffrey S. Smith, professor and head of the Department of Economics and Business at Virginia Military Institute, is featured on the personal finance website, WalletHub.
Dr. Duncan Richter, Professor of Philosophy in the Department of English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies and Charles S. Luck III ’55 Institute Professor, recently finished essays about Elizabeth Anscombe which will be published in two books.
Duncan Richter, Charles S. Luck ’55 Institute Professor, has published a paper titled “‘Obviously wrong’: the Tractatus on will and world” in the book Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: A Critical Guide, edited by José L. Zalabardo and published by Cambridge University Press.
Col. Jeffrey S. Smith, professor and head of the Department of Economics and Business at Virginia Military Institute clearly understands wind direction and sail adjustment thanks to his experiences in sailing and participating in sailing yacht races.
Maj. Molly Kent, assistant professor of biology at Virginia Military Institute, will be featured on the public radio program, With Good Reason starting Saturday, Aug. 5 through Friday, Aug. 11.
Lt. Col. Stephanie Hodde, professor in the Department of English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies at Virginia Military Institute, will be featured on the public radio program, With Good Reason starting Saturday, Aug. 26 through Friday, Sept. 1.