Intercollegiate Ethics Team

About the Club

The VMI Ethics team, sponsored by our Center, gives cadets who wish to participate the opportunity to sharpen their skills in public speaking, critical thinking, and sound reasoning.  You will debate ethical dilemmas across the spectrum, from military to civic situations, against peers from similar institutions and programs to challenge your ethical reasoning and character development.  Cases are drawn from real-world scenarios/situations.

Who may participate?

Any interested cadets may participate.  

When do we meet/compete?

Cadets meet weekly in the evenings in Marshall Hall, with an increasing frequency of meetings as competition dates approach. Competitors for away events consist of three or four cadets who demonstrate their commitment to the team with regular attendance and participation.   

Our two primary events are the Mid-Atlantic Regional Competition of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE), which occurs in the latter part of November, and the USNA Military Ethics Case Competition, held in early April. The number of events where the team will compete may grow based on cadet interest and competition scheduling.

Who are the leaders of this club?

Faculty Mentor: Col. Patrick Looney

Cadet in Charge: Riley Malone ‘25 

Follow the links below to see our club in action!

Link to the 2023 USNA Military Ethics Case Competition Presentations 
Link to the 2022 USNA Military Ethics Case Competition Presentations
Link to the 2019 USNA Military Ethics Case Competition Presentations
Link to the 2018 USNA Military Ethics Case Competition Presentations
Link to the 2017 USNA Military Ethics Case Competition Presentations
Link to the 2016 USNA Military Ethics Case Competition Presentations

If you have questions or are interested in participating, contact the club leader or Col. Patrick Looney, Deputy Director, at or 540-464-7361.

VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders