
Matthew Ehret ’22 sets pull-up record with 4,046 reps within 24 hours to raise money for Warriors Heart Foundation.

VMI Theatre celebrated its 50th plus 2 anniversary with a reunion of past performers, both cadets and community members, at a reception on Saturday, April 30 in Marshall Hall, prior to the performance of “Tom Jones” by Henry Fielding, adapted by David Rogers.

Cadets delve into the wealth of VMI archives held at Preston Library to share Cadet Life Over Time fieldwork project online.

The VMI Board of Visitors recently concluded their spring meetings. The Board approved the Institute’s fiscal year 2023 budget, set tuition and fees for the 2022-23 academic year, and received updates on academics, athletics, and cadet life.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” When Steve Jobs made that oft repeated quote, he could have been referring to Vergie Moore, who for nearly 56 years, has loved her job. Moore is finally retiring from Virginia Military Institute, the only place she has ever worked.

The Virginia Military Institute Board of Visitors has bestowed upon its former superintendent, Gen. J. H. Binford Peay III ’62, the title Superintendent Emeritus and will name the upcoming leadership development building for VMI’s 14th superintendent.

The VMI Center for Leadership and Ethics welcomed former CIA officer and FBI special agent Tracy Walder as the final speaker in the Courageous Leadership Speaker series of the spring 2022 season.
The Computer Information Sciences Cyber Defense Lab at Virginia Military Institute offered a paid, fully immersive high school internship program, provided through a matching grant from the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) during Spring semester.

The John A. Adams ’71 Center for Military History and Strategic Analysis is now in its own, dedicated space in Scott Shipp Hall, which was celebrated with a reception on April 22.
Christopher Hulburt ’22 researched contributions of 19th Century African-Americans at VMI in senior thesis “Unearthed Contributors: African-Americans at Virginia Military Institute, 1839-1851.”