2022 Year-End Message from the Superintendent

Portrait of Maj Gen Cedric Wins '85

To the VMI Community:

It is hard to believe that in a few short weeks, we will close the books on 2022. This year has not been without its challenges, but, stepping back, we have accomplished a great deal.

This year was a milestone in many respects. It was the year that COVID-19 no longer dominated the VMI experience. This year also marked the 25th anniversary of women at VMI. Scott Shipp Hall with its addition and renovation was dedicated and a new aquatic center is set to be open before the winter furlough begins. VMI continued to be highly ranked by many of the most prominent college rankings including No. 5 overall on Money magazine’s 2022 Best Colleges list. 

Most importantly, our cadets continued to embrace the time-honored and proven VMI experience which helps them achieve at the highest levels. Guided by our expert faculty and dedicated staff, the Corps of Cadets achieved in every aspect of the three-legged stool: academic, military, and athletic. Here are just a few highlights from 2022:


Military / Cadet Life


The very foundation of the VMI experience continues to be rooted in the Honor Code, the Rat Line, and the class and regimental systems. I am proud of the way that the Class of 2023 has implemented a professional approach to these systems. Though the Rat Mass of 2023+3 is smaller, these first-year cadets are a dedicated group of individuals as evidenced by the lowest rate of attrition since at least 1990. Additionally, the Honor Court continues to function at a high level with a clear commitment to enforce the standards of our Honor Code as they spend a great deal of time on education and awareness.

Of course, no institution of higher education can operate effectively without the hard work and dedication of its faculty and staff. We are proud to continue this demonstrated commitment to taking care of our workforce and have worked hard this year to recognize our employee’s commitment to our mission. Consequently, we were pleased to partner with the Commonwealth of Virginia to provide our employees with a 5% pay increase as well as a year-end $1,000 bonus. The VMI Alumni Agencies and the dean of the faculty coordinated a very generous gift from the Herndon Foundation to provide $1 million per year to support faculty salaries in perpetuity. Additionally, we have worked to raise the minimum pay for our wage employees to $15 per hour.

It has been a very busy, but productive year. As we close out this semester, I hope everyone’s winter furlough is filled with time spent with loved ones and some rest and relaxation. Thank you all for your continued dedication to VMI.



Major General Cedric T. Wins ‘85
U.S. Army (Retired)
Virginia Military Institute